Monday, 19 March 2012

Welcome Home.

So this has been a reasonable amount of time coming, I’m always happy to voice my opinion literally but for some reason over the course of early 2012 haven’t found rhyme or reason to edge me towards scribing them on the beautiful new, such a waste of a url registration fee.
Truth be told, laziness, simple unequivocal laziness has prevented this until this day.

But now I am here eager to poor my musings onto you the reader (typed with the highest of deluded enthusiasms) I find myself in a position onto what exactly to write about. Previously, my blogging endeavors have always been reasonably self-servant ie: about my music. Though my music continues in some fashion or form I feel that the expansion of the name SonToTheRescue into aspect beyond my ‘one man and his guitar’ act can only be beneficiary for my hopeful future endeavors.  

What are they? You’re all eagerly asking.
Well, usually I try my damndest not to bore people with the backstory (I’m a habitual anecdote teller) but since this is my platform and your reading this on the premise your interested, I’ll spill.

For the longest time (roughly the last 3 years or so) I’ve had a strange and very tempestuous notion of my age, and here in short is why. I’ve always garnered my interests and generally felt more comfortable talking and being around people that are older than me.

For the most part I put this down to the relationship with my brother who is six years my senior. Beyond the pettiness of sibling rivalry I think its save to say that most people idolize their brothers or sisters and I was and still am no exception, so when a sixteen year old comes homes and hands ten year old me a CD and tells me it’s the coolest thing since the invention of the other side of the pillow, I heed such advise and give it a listen. Fortunately the CD turned out to be Nirvana’s ‘In Utero’ and not something I would regret in later life. 
The point is because of this I latched onto his generation, which in turn bestowed its tastes and mentalities. I was vicariously apart of the last generation of youth that had to actually go into a shop to buy music, but before that we had to read magazines and go to gigs to find out about the bands in the first place. Not just with music, but with all pop culture.  As appose to now where ACTUALLY anything is a click of a button away.

So take that mentality and throw it into exactly that I’ve just ended on, all within the confides of academic snobbery. A generation where you’re only as good as the mannequin from Topman you’re dressed from. Where bands now have to release up to SIX singles from a album of ten tracks to spread the interest because now if a band buggers off into a studio for six months they’ll be replaced by the next big thing that replaced the next big thing that replaced them.  The most ironic thing about this generation is that with all the technological advancements in the world they seem to be more interested in looking and sounding ‘vintage’ and using arbitrary phrases like ‘back in the day’ when they fail to realize that THIS is their day.

Now, before I go on let me just put a few preconceptions to bed. I realize that what I’m saying and subsequently what I’m about to say treads a fine line into arrogance, and while you must understand I in no way take myself serious enough to be so.

 So I must stress that if you do find this arrogant, you’ve missed the point.

The clashing of generational mentalities obviously lead me to the conclusion that I was some kind of past it fuddy duddy. It didn’t help that most of the things my piers would hail in such cutting edge praise I had seen or heard done better before, at the same time they seemed very uninterested in seeking the source of my opinion, the idea that breaking from the pack would isolate them, which is fair enough but it proved very difficult to relate to these people. I suppose in reality that’s my fault though, I’ve never been one to find or attach myself to something to garner praise of the people around me, I’ve always been confident enough to maintain that you like me for me (people that have known me can testify that) something that has lead to me being slapped with the ‘arrogant’ card once or twice.

But recently over the last few weeks I’ve realized that I’m just about on the cusp of the prime of my life. As apposed to seeing my outlook as an out of date style clash, I appreciate the hindsight that my exposures have given me. In a generation where everyone can express an opinion (to the point where its considered a little cliché and childish to do so) and fence sitting is the sport of choice; I feel I walk the fine line between diplomacy and controversy with reasonable accuracy.  The end result of this is that I feel I have something to say and offer people.

“I Hate to blow my own horn, but toot toot” – Arn Anderson.

Don’t let the fact its took me the best part of four months to post this fool you in to the preconception that I am not driven, when I’m given the ball I run, and that’s what I intend to do.

So calling that an introduction to, where do I go from here?

I’ve always prided myself on having my fingers in as many pies as I could interest wise, but recently I’m honing in on pieces of pop culture that interest me, whether they’re worldwide news or happening on my doorstep. So from here on end if you wish to hear me harp on about what I think/would do with something, subscribe.

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