Saturday, 21 April 2012

Bureaucracy 101: A Public Reply to a Not-So-Public Telling Off.

So, it would seem that feathers have been rattled and people of even a remote interest seem to know the score with this but for those who don't, heres the highlights.

I aired an opinion on Facebook. Radical, I know.  

This particular opinion questioned the employment methods of a local youth music project in my home town(which you can see here).

The key points I have maintained throughout the subsequent circus that has come from this is that I have been honest yet maintained diplomacy, but most importantly I have been open and public about my opinion, as I have been with any retort.

So it seemed a little out of context when I received a private message from the 'Project Leader'.  

I am really hurt, and genuinely don't understand why you have posted all that damaging stuff on your Facebook page - I know you (and all others who applied) must be very disappointed, but: 40 applicants, 1 job.
There genuinely cannot be (and wasn't) any favouritism, it had to be someone who had addtional skills and experience to those already possessed by existing YMWs.
And genuinely, the short-list, and the final decision, was taken by one of the directors who had absolutely no prior knowledge of ANY of the applicants.
Because it is a funded post, it is very tightly monitored and it has to be clearly documented how and why decisions have been made.
Disappointing too that others have joined in with slagging us off without any knowledge whatsoever of what was required, or how and why the decision was made.
You know how hard I've worked (unpaid, and often at my own expense) to get The Studio open again, to try and build opportunities to benefit everyone. It took six years.
You know I was looking to see how you could be supported to get into promoting and putting on events.
I only want to make good things happen.
It just makes me feel like... what is the point?

Disclaimer: this is the message verbatim and I am happy to prove so to anybody who questions otherwise. 

Firstly, I find it interesting you believe it was a more worth while investment of your time to sit at home and lecture me (as well as others as they were happy to approach me tonight and show me your message) than support an event at YOUR venue that was not only for a good cause, but drew an impressive crowd, something rarely seen at The Studio. Its amazing what somebody with an actual ethic to promote can do.

Regarding the position; Though I was happy to respond to you on Facebook it would seem that I need to reiterate my position.
I am VERY aware that the quality of applicants was beyond high. Realistically I knew that there would be stiff competition and there was a reasonable chance I would not succeed. This was posted before I knew that the person in question had actually been appointed.

However, what you seem to be getting yourself in knots about is the idea that from an outside perspective it would appear that the person in question is well acquainted with both yourself as well as the people who said to me in person they would be conducting the interview, the same person who would be submitting the feedback to the person making the decision. By insinuating this as an unreasonable view point is to denounce ANY possibility that he would favour the person in question, which as an intelligent woman you should already know is ridiculous. 

As much as I appreciate your support in developing my career prospects, quoting me £320 for said support really lets your side down, don't you think? 

In regards to people 'slagging you off'. I hardly think people agreeing with a viewpoint can be demonised as such. Literally, people have approached me showing me messages from yourself berating them simply because they 'liked' the status. Coming from someone who spent years writing and self editing countless publications I can't help but find this a little rich.

If you should take anything from people agreeing with me it should be that perhaps its not just me that seems to believe something is a little off with your infrastructure, either that or they see the outside perspective you're finding somewhat difficult to grasp apparently. 

In short; Its an opinion, if you don't like it, don't read it. 

This isn't school, or North Korea. 

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