I know I always walk a fine line of arrogance when I write something on the premise of 'my greater knowledge'. I've spent most of my life in or around bands and while I understand there’s no written code of ethics and conduct how to be in and around musicians, when it boils down to it we're all in the same boat and you would think that being even remotely supportive or even curious about each others endeavors would be paramount. While I also understand that performance is always based on confidence and self-awareness (more commonly known as ego) there is a distinct difference between having self-belief and flat out thinking you're a cut above the rest.
Candidate 23 are the latter.
My first encounter with these gentlemen was at their EP launch earlier this year. My admiration for what initially looked like a well put together and VERY well funded outfit turned into a dose of distain very quickly with my first conversation with their manager. I had been Moonlighting at The Studio in Widnes as a 'pretty much could do whatever needed to be done' guy, that night I was overseeing the nights sound. One of the opening acts that night was a band by the name of Limited Edition, a band with members no older then 15 but could play far beyond their years. The conversation with manager man took me a while to compute; he kept asking me to make LE's guitars quieter and to 'hurry' with their sound check. The first time he approached me I assumed he had a vested interest in the band and was just trying to give me the impression he was earning what I can only assume is the handsome fee he's receiving from the parents involved. However it didn't take long for me to decipher what he actually wanted me to do; make the support act sound terrible. This was galvanized by his second approach to the sound desk again asking me to hurry proceedings stating, "We don't want the emphasis taken off the headline"
So it was pretty clear this guy had some kind of Mussolini complex. What i didn't realize is the extent of how much of his Kool Aid the band itself had already consumed.
Fast forward to the present and another encounter with these gentlemen. Now, all though I realize the behavior you have displayed, in my experience dictates you won't listen to me for a femtosecond. But since the best way to tackle ego it with ego, listen to someone who's been where you're trying to go, done what you're trying to do and knows better than you;
With all the earnest in the world I have never seen a band with such a false sense of grandeur. You may have the back line, entourage and attitude of Van Halen, but guess what? You're not Van Halen, you're a local band just like the rest of us, you're not getting any gigs that couldn't be done with persistent networking by anyone willing. While I don't doubt your ambition to make it, it would put you in good sted for now if you acted like a local band. For instance; rather than sitting in a 'private room' that I can only assume you either expect or someone demands, actually watch some of you're piers. Yes that's right I said piers, because it may shock you to understand that no one you play with is in awe of you. Especially if you're taking so long faffing around with your equipment other artists can't sound check.
Truth be told, I don't think they're bad people when it boils down to it, individually they seem like reasonably nice lads. The reality of this situation is Naïve starry-eyed kids and parents willing to invest in their dreams are having smoke blown up their arses by someone who realistically has no real experience of the music industry. And when someone promises you the world in a field you don't really know anything about, a 'private room' and a stage riser seems to be the right path to stardom. The highlight of this was the 'private preview' of C23's EP for friends and family before the previously mentioned night with Limited Edition that to the trained eye wreaked of a very self-indulgent 'aren't I speeding all your money well' showpiece on behalf of C23's management.
Though I know this will be taken as either a personal attack or sour grapes (take your pick really) there’s no doubt this band is a pretty tight unit and could actually do something, they just need to lose their Peter Popoff.
….Oh and Speaking of overacting evangelists; Mr. front man, I understand your trying to convey that your 'feeling the music' on stage, but lay off a little. Chris Martin still exists.
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