Thursday, 5 February 2015

Ageing By The Numbers.

Another fifty two weeks on the earth successful with a complete head of hair/face of teeth.

I've never really seen the massive fuss in celebrating birthdays, they always felt a touch too self aggrandising for my liking, after all my part in proceedings was minimal at best.  I've seen the last few anniversaries of one's arrival being my own particular brand of passive, but as I'm edging ever closer to the cut off point for a life of absolute responsibility I figure I'd celebrate turning twenty eight in style.

It only took two posts to be back on the topic of music but I assure you this will be brief. Sick Of It All couldn't be more of a misleading band name if it tried, as after a tenure as long as mine living and breathing they remain significant and exceptional. Most bands seem to give up on their quest to see how many ways you can slice aggressive, movement encouraging music and settle into their own brand of mediocrity, but the New York natives continue to be the benchmark of Hardcore well and truly into their fourth decade as a foursome.

You could throw a rock and hit a band with beat downs out of nowhere, so when in doubt, always seek the source. As for tomorrow? Lads in trunks hitting each other, what else.

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