Thursday, 17 January 2013

SonToTheRescueCast Episode 2 - Bankrolls Don't Build Biceps

Episode 2's Featured Artist - Well Wisher


  1. Howdy, Craig. Here's the other side:

    When me and my pals made our last CD - between studio time, mixing time, making sure that everyone who helped us got a thank you gift, getting the CDs printed etc., the album cost around £1800 to make in a local studio. It wasn't for bravado, ego or bragging rights. We made an album that's free to anyone who wants a copy, isn't intending to make us any money and certainly isn't intended to get us signed, which is something for which we've never had any ambition. Here's why we did it:

    One of the best things about being in a band for me is the time it gives you with the friends you've made. I love having recordings to play back as the years go by, because it reminds you of that period in your life, the people you knew and the times you had. Whenever I listen to that CD, I'm back in that room with those people. I'm very proud of it, and it's a terrific momento and snap-shot of a chapter in your life. I can't wait to put that CD on and listen back to it as a 60-odd year old, if CD players still exist by then and if, God willing, I'm still alive!
    As for wanting to make something good quality, I don't see anything wrong with that. Whether you're the most successful band in the world or someone at the bottom of the ladder, I admire acts who take pride in their art.
    For me, what it comes down to is this: I, like many people, work hard for a living. Bloody hard in my case. I do that to enjoy myself and indulge my passions. Some people travel, some collect art, whatever it is. But if you have a bunch of people who work hard, pay taxes and choose to spend their money having the time of their lives in a recording studio, all power to them as far I'm concerned, good on them. That's why you go to work, to be able to live and to do the things you want to do.
    Like I say, that last project cost us about £1800, all told. It will never get us anywhere. And you know what - it was worth every single penny.

    Hope you appreciate the input, hombre!

    Si Owens

  2. Firstly I appreciate that you've took the time to listen, so thank you sir.
    I think in terms of your position as a musician I think you're absolutely right, but here's where I think the difference is.

    As I said at the beginning of the podcast any kind of passion or endeavour requires investment. While I totally agree that a recording is a snapshot of something you can look back on in the future, I think you're in the position where you recorded and invested that money for exactly that purpose and nothing more. I'm not playing what the naughty corner do down when I assume you do it purley for the enjoyment of playing music as apposed to seeing it as a career option.

    Obviously I don't want to put words in your mouth but I'm assuming you didn't spend the money you did because you believe it gave you an edge over other musicians? The problem i try to tackle or bring light to in the podcast is the mentality some musicians have of buying their way up the pecking order.

    A point I didn't raise in the cast that makes your point more admirable is the irony that a lot of the time the money being pumped into these recording are seldom directly from the band. This isn't me waving the flag of the hard done to, my parents helped me incredibly with my music financially and morally, but to have a third party pay for such a thing under the false assumption it'll make you stand out is all kinds of wrong. What's worse is the growing trend of band using things like KickStarter for these reasons.

    You and Pete invested you're own money into something you love, and produced something that shows exactly that. If anything I wish more musicians had the same mentality.
