Friday, 15 March 2013

RESCUEOLOGY - The Week That Was.

So true to form I've not been doing a whole bunch of upkeep with my brainchild here. 

Whats remotely reassuring is that I've had my eyes, ears and other attentive appendages in other endeavors that although not directly, helps towards the cause.

 For example, the last seven days are were as followed; 

Incase you're not following me on twitter (@SonToTheRescue) I've been doing quite a lot of contributing to media outlet Liverpool Live. When I say contributing, throwing myself at any possibly opportunity to contribute is more apt. 

Threshold festival rolled around far quicker than I had anticipated this year, as as its primary media outlet, LL gave me the platform to step up and do something beyond throwing my opinion at unsuspecting musicians. What started as a pitch to produce and present a series of podcasts showcasing the best of the weekend expanded into sound tech and on-screen personality in a matter of minutes. Truth be told I didn't even have to think about wether I wanted to take on the extras, I was there to work and I did. 

I cant implore you enough to check out LiverpoolLive as a whole as well as its ongoing coverage of Threshold 2013. 

So while the ongoing post production of Threshold is (as we speak) going on, thursday came something in truth had been something I had prepared for for mot of my adult life. 

My dad was someone who lived for nothing but music. If you read this blog at all you know I avoid terrible clichés like I do my ex girlfriends, but his live revolved around the music he kept close to him and the subsequent lifestyle that came along with it. Its this notion that brought people together from all corners of his life to say goodbye to him. 

So while I continue to work on my other commitments, I hope you all don't mind if I take some down time to collect myself. I have a few idea circling that have been on the back burner for a long long time now that only feel apt at this point, and when theres something to talk about, you'll hear it.

In the mean time, ears to the floor 

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