Tuesday, 10 February 2015
No Ta PR: All Mouth and No Brass.
One for the Old Man.
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To say I miss my dad would be a crushing understatement, he was the archetypal culture snob that handed down the tools to me for what I craft here on a nearly daily daily basis now.
Miss you pop.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Ageing By The Numbers.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
The New Mistress.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Start as I mean to go on.
For quite a while I've justified my lax attitude to writing in the name of bettering ones self in other aspects of my life. 'Priorities' is a word easily used as a way of making someone or something low man on the totem pole. Without getting too much into the schtick of paying lip service, I do and always will love music, to say that I have blanket lost interest would be above all else, false.
However, it wasn't until a very candid conversation on Christmas Eve that I finally realised the real reason as to why STTR had come to a grinding halt in its quest to champion local and unsigned music, which to be equally as candid is simply this: it bores me.
Context: The recipient of said conversation was herself a local unsigned musician, based in Liverpool (that for some reason, she seems to spell L O N D O N on her social media outlets). A product of the Liverpool institute of Performing Arts, an institution who's lasting legacy is undergraduates bellowing shrill requests for The Time Warp at uninterested DJs because THEY'RE THE ONLY ONES DANCING.
Actually, what it has succeeded in producing is a slue of musicians that didn't need an excuse to be arrogant waifs all the bigger platform to polish their self penned turds because it costs mum and dad their life insurance settlement every semester.
I do loath people that use terribly unoriginal and weather worn stereotypes to wholesale lambast an entire city and its inhabitants, but Liverpool needs to have a serious word with itself about its 'independent arts'. Independent to the point where it's become that glad handed, no one outside of the city
So, as the title may give away, STTR will be what industry professionals call a 'lifestyle piece', taking a leaf (not the cathedral of tea drinking for any Liverpudlians reading this as they sharpen their pitchforks) from the city's independent mantra and use this as a place where I talk about my allegedly ultra interesting life.
Because lets be honest, if this was still about local music it might as well be a Silent Sleep fan page.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Hipster Tax - The Alternative Price of McFashion
Friday, 2 May 2014
Return with Hints of a Heel turn....
Thirteen months is a long time saying nothing what so ever.
Having said that, my hiatus from spluttering my opinions on here for you all to see hasn't been uneventful. Taking a moment to self indulge; life is pretty okay now, I moved back to my home town while we have the new family home renovated. It's given me the opportunity to reconnect with the people that have managed to tolerate me for way too much time then anyone should.
To less of a degree than I would have liked, I've done some self improving and furthering ones career aspects, I have come very close to hitting the big one and I've been taken for one hell of a ride, something that warrants it's own post which is very much on its way.
Above all else, the last year or so has reminded me of something I very much believed in my youth: not to suffer fools. While I don't totally buy into the ethos of 'if you're making enemies you're doing something right' I do very much buy into the notion that being opinionated is tantamount to speaking truth to power; we might want to, but like hell we actually do.
Not that this is anything new hear, I've hardly ever been one to mince my words, I'm just saying expect sharper and larger quantities.
It's good to be back.
Friday, 15 March 2013
RESCUEOLOGY - The Week That Was.
So true to form I've not been doing a whole bunch of upkeep with my brainchild here.
Whats remotely reassuring is that I've had my eyes, ears and other attentive appendages in other endeavors that although not directly, helps towards the cause.
For example, the last seven days are were as followed;
Incase you're not following me on twitter (@SonToTheRescue) I've been doing quite a lot of contributing to media outlet Liverpool Live. When I say contributing, throwing myself at any possibly opportunity to contribute is more apt.
Threshold festival rolled around far quicker than I had anticipated this year, as as its primary media outlet, LL gave me the platform to step up and do something beyond throwing my opinion at unsuspecting musicians. What started as a pitch to produce and present a series of podcasts showcasing the best of the weekend expanded into sound tech and on-screen personality in a matter of minutes. Truth be told I didn't even have to think about wether I wanted to take on the extras, I was there to work and I did.
I cant implore you enough to check out LiverpoolLive as a whole as well as its ongoing coverage of Threshold 2013.
So while the ongoing post production of Threshold is (as we speak) going on, thursday came something in truth had been something I had prepared for for mot of my adult life.
My dad was someone who lived for nothing but music. If you read this blog at all you know I avoid terrible clichés like I do my ex girlfriends, but his live revolved around the music he kept close to him and the subsequent lifestyle that came along with it. Its this notion that brought people together from all corners of his life to say goodbye to him.
So while I continue to work on my other commitments, I hope you all don't mind if I take some down time to collect myself. I have a few idea circling that have been on the back burner for a long long time now that only feel apt at this point, and when theres something to talk about, you'll hear it.
In the mean time, ears to the floor
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
Its takes an exceptional amount of fortitude to commit yourself to your art. Musicians that spend their lives trying to make it are all too common and those who do quite the opposite. Having once reached the apparent promise land once before with the massively influential Idlewild, Rod Jones has re-embraced the indie spirit with The Birthday Suit, who's new album drops next week and were cool enough to talk to us.
How did The Birthday Suit come about?
It was really born out of my second solo album. When I started to write it I realised that it was sounding more like a band record and so I needed to get more people involved. some of the musicians had toured my first solo album and some were friends from Edinburgh who i knew would fit in.
What I really like about you guys is from you how put yourself across you've very much relished in the opportunity to build The Birthday Suit from the ground up as apposed to riding the coat tails of Idlewild. Is it an active decision to keep things more DIY?
I think I was always keen to have our own identity. Obviously it made sense to make idlewild fans aware of the new band but I feel it a totally different entity which needed to grow its own fanbase aswell. The DIY approach was really just about keeping control of what we do and doing things at a pace that feels comfortable. Its alot more work but it all on our own terms which is definitely refreshing.
In terms of your audience, was it the case where you had to build it from scratch or has there been a good transition of fans from your previous work?
There have been a few fans who have come along for the ride so as to speak from idlewild but mainly its been a steady building of our own new fans. I don't expect crowds to be the same as they were with idlewild to start with as it is a new band and we are just getting going. It can be hard work sometimes but all the more rewarding when it pays off.
With having a solid body of work behind you, how was recording the new album?
It was quite freeing actually. Knowing that I was getting more comfortable a a frontman and singing in this genre I felt able to try new things. I'm really proud of the results.
At the risk of being blunt, something pretty shitty happened to yourselves this week regarding your last tour?
Yeah. Its a difficult situation regarding money going missing from our past dates and us being left out of pocket. We are going to try and turn it round by doing a fundraiser gig in Edinburgh on 19th Dec at Electric Circus. http://tbsfundraiser.brownpapertickets.com/ Its best not to go into too much detail as it pretty boring but suffice to say it is pretty crappy when bands (not just us) are getting shafted by those they trust when its hard enough to make a living in music these days. (I'd like to say also though that Colin Keenan our agent was not the man at fault here. He was hoodwinked along with the rest of us, is a great guy and agent and we will continue to work with him at his new agency JL booking agency).
What's next for The Birthday Suit?
We are supporting the Xcerts in Scotland in Dec and plan to tour the UK again in march with a single release.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
SonToTheRescueCast - Episode 1 - Listen or Leave
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Friday, 2 November 2012
Sunday, 28 October 2012
A Lesson in Verisimilitude for Candidate 23.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Changing The Direction Somewhat...
So this is a shout out, Im looking to build a portfolio, a body of work that can hopefully springboard me into something bigger and better. I figure I have a lot of talented friends, and there are a lot of people out there reading this, so If your a musician, artists, writer or anything for that matter that would benefit from some music and video production, some film production or some graphics please find me on Facebook or Twitter and we'll talk
All of this will be for the best price of all, FREE
SonToTheRescue Facebook
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Bureaucracy 101: A Public Reply to a Not-So-Public Telling Off.
There genuinely cannot be (and wasn't) any favouritism, it had to be someone who had addtional skills and experience to those already possessed by existing YMWs.
And genuinely, the short-list, and the final decision, was taken by one of the directors who had absolutely no prior knowledge of ANY of the applicants.
Because it is a funded post, it is very tightly monitored and it has to be clearly documented how and why decisions have been made.
Disappointing too that others have joined in with slagging us off without any knowledge whatsoever of what was required, or how and why the decision was made.
You know how hard I've worked (unpaid, and often at my own expense) to get The Studio open again, to try and build opportunities to benefit everyone. It took six years.
You know I was looking to see how you could be supported to get into promoting and putting on events.
I only want to make good things happen.
It just makes me feel like... what is the point?
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
DEAFEN THE CREATURES - The Way The Noise Began
I can honestly say with no jest that this was an absolute pleasure to find. From a technical perspective this is one of the slickest and well put together EPs I've heard in a long time. Put into perspective the embryonic nature of the band (they're just about a year old) the energy and chemistry produced from this four track offering is mind blowing. The thing that stands out to me regarding this is that all four members are truly talented in their own right, the fact they can connect their abilities in such a way is a testament to the quality of what they have produced here.
This was somewhat of a no brainer regarding the variable that is 'would I like this?' Deafen the Creatures poses an almost uncanny likeness to a Ben Gibbard or Imogen Heap production, the same formula of haunting melodies fighting against super vibrant Postal Service-like duetting pop vocals. But this is FAR from pastiche.
Simply because of the methodic pace of the songs, the pop element is lost somewhat and concordantly will lose some listeners along the way. But frankly thats their loss.
Be prepared to see a lot more of these here (band willing of course)
DEADDUKES - The Sky Falls On.
Cant do a whole ton of embellishment for these gents as they seem to have negated the idea of putting a bio on any of their outlets (we want to know what you're about gents, make it happen!) That aside The Sky Falls on (or What a Day as it seems to want to call itself if you download the track from the bands Soundcloud) initially throws an american garage rock vibe out there, something along the lines of a more up tempo Death Cab track, which holds though out with a similar american indie vocal.
However, having listened to the rest of their online stuff it would seem that this song is an exception to what is a straight down the line modern indie/rock sound. which if I'm honest is a pity as I actually really liked this track, I can only hope this is the direction they're going in, either way check them out.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Its been 8 years since 'The Fake Death Experience' have you listened to it at all recently and if so how do you feel when'd you do?
I know you've spent a lot of time in germany and with Silent Sleep, how has that been as an experience and has if affected your mindset coming into this upcoming release from 28costumes?
In spite of your hiatus you've still proven to be a reputable name in liverpool music, what do you think gives you that edge of longevity?
I don't think 28 Costumes were ever relying on a current fad or a specific genre that was maybe cool at the time, we just always wanted to make really good, loud guitar songs.
What should we expect from this LP?
'This Band Has Eaten All Our Money' will be available for download April 5th from the Rekordmeister Music, Review To Follow